Alexandre MALHEIRO was born in 1980 in France. He is a Franco-Portuguese artist who lives and works between Paris and Porto.
As a graphic and visual artist, Alexandre Malheiro is accustomed to being both the author and subject of his works. This unusual artist is all too familiar with the challenge of modern art : to create works and images conveying their own message, and to support them with plenty of energy, finesse and character. Alexandre Malheiro is a Franco-Portuguese contemporary artist from « generation 2.0 ». Attracted by alternative movements and web culture, Malheiro draws upon his influences and origins to create large-sized digital works which speak directly to each of us. Having initially developed a passion for traditional design, in 2010 he turned his attention to digital art. Using his computer as a studio, he creates new figurative forms thanks to vector drawing or image processing software. The internet provides him with a limitless experimental laboratory. In addition to his work as a computer graphics technician, Malheiro quickly stood out for the particular way in which he makes use of digital design. Malheiro’s work is vibrant, colourful and geometric, expressing a heightened sense of realism captured in self-portraits and other figurative forms. An artist through and through, Alexandre Malheiro is constantly seeking to push back the boundaries in the field of digital design with animated images. His favourite subjects are faces, well-known or unknown people, capturing a snapshot of life around him. His style varies from black-and-white to extremely colourful compositions. The size of his works, many of which are printed on canvas, generally exceeds 2 m in height.

Some exhibitions of the contemporary artist MALHEIRO
Collective exhibition « Ma rue mon quartier »
at the "Orangerie-Espace Tourlière", Verrières-le-Buisson, Paris, FRANCE
Digital creation at « Les féeries nocturnes »,
Hautes-Alpes Center For Digital Art, FRANCE
Personal exhibition « LIVING PORTRAIT »,
at the School Furniture of Paris, FRANCE
Personal exhibition « Alexandre Malheiro »
at the Peppe Parola’s gallery, LUXEMBOURG
Collective exhibition «L'Autoportrait comme fiction »
at the ArtCourse's gallery, Strasbourg, FRANCE
Collective exhibition at « the Fmr show (large-sized works) »
Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, Paris, FRANCE
Resident « SELFIE PROJECT » at the Dauphine Art Days,
Resident « SELFIE PROJECT » at Paris Danse Sur Les Rails,
Resident « SELFIE PROJECT » at SILMO , Paris, FRANCE
Resident « SELFIE PROJECT » at Les Marmites Artistiques,
Nanterre, FRANCE
Collective virtual real-time 3D exhibition
« SYMPTÔME(S) / SÍNTOMA(S) » at La Corbata Rosa’s gallery,
Collective virtual real-time 3D exhibition
« COLLECTIF 9/14 » at La Corbata Rosa’s gallery, FRANCE
Collective exhibition at « the Fmr show (large-sized works) »
Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, Paris, FRANCE
Collective exhibition at « the Hivernales de Montreuil » ,
Digital Art Section, Montreuil, Paris, FRANCE
Collective exhibition at « the Hivernales de Montreuil »,
Digital Art Section, Montreuil, Paris, FRANCE